From Data to Delivery 

We create value & unlock hidden opportunities using the power of creative analytics, 
helping companies co-create imaginative solutions for their data rich challenges. 

> Feeling overwhelmed by your data ?  
> Unsure what your data is telling you ? 
> Are you really unlocking the power of your data ?              

We help you to navigating the landscape of analysis, insights, and decision making by ; 

 - Making your conflicting data work for you
 - Turning  data insights into profitable action
 - Implementing sustainable strategies

Creative Analytics

Turn your data into pragmatic solutions


Oylr's leaders have a combined experience of over 50 years in data science and management to help you meet your challenges


Use cutting edge methodologies to reveal hidden insights in your data


Bringing insights and perspectives together to help you uncover hidden value


Work with you to validate proposed solutions in the specific context of your business


Assist your leaders through all stages of implementation


Work with your teams to help find creative and effective solutions which can be sustained by the organisation


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