Oylr - Creative data Analytics in times of change

Why Oylr ?

Leonhard Euler  - pronounced "Oyler" [ˈleːɔnhart ˈɔʏlər]

15 April 1707 – 18 September 1783


was a Swiss mathematician, physicist, and engineer  (amongst others) who founded the studies of graph theory and topology and made pioneering and influential discoveries in many other branches of mathematics such as analytic number theory, complex analysis, and infinitesimal calculus


He introduced much of modern mathematical terminology and notation, including the notion of a mathematical function.


He is also known for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, astronomy, and music theory.

Oylr - Creative data Analytics in times of change

Who We Are

The founding idea came through a dinner table conversation...


In solving a Further Mathematics question on a bullet's trajectory, we noted that we both solved the problem in very different ways - the purist vs the practitioner. It was immediately clear and exciting that both ways have value and offer complementary points of view on a problem and drive to an efficient solution. 


Inspired by our namesakes genius, we want to share that insight with your business, and partner with you to bring rich, holistic solutions to your specific problems.


While our approaches to problem solving may be different, we share the unshakeable focus on getting you a sustainable result 

Our Senior Leaders

Jacek Brodzki

Jacek Brodzki - The Mathematician

The Mathematician

MSc DPhil


Mathematician and Physicist


Professor of Mathematics with over 20 years first-hand experience in implementing cutting-edge data science solutions in competitive commercial environment


Passionate about finding efficient, implementable solutions to complex data-based problems

Alex Radford

Alex Radford - The Engineer

The Engineer

BSc(Hons), CEng, FIChemE


Chemical Engineer 


33 years in high hazard Industry management with focus on processing Operations, Supply Chain, & Reliability


Fascinated by organisational behaviour and its impact on driving performance in teams


Focused on helping to define standards and deliver sustainable  results

How do we turn your data into pragmatic solutions ?

Oylr - Creative data analytics in Times of Change : our work process

Define - work with you to ensure we are all working on the same problem and provide options

Solve - provide optimised solution from options

Implement - help your teams deliver the change

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